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Category: Vegetable growing

Characteristics of tomato Japanese truffle

The Japanese truffle tomato is slowly but surely winning the tables of avid summer residents and experienced gardeners. To date, breeders have bred many different varieties. Looking at the photo of these "handsome", it will be very difficult to walk past the counter with their seeds in the store. Universal fruits...

Characteristics of Gypsy pepper

Among many Dutch varieties, Gypsy pepper is very popular. It is distinguished by a super-early type of maturation, unpretentiousness to conditions and ease of care. Resistant to weather changes and suitable for growing everywhere in the middle climatic zone. Gypsy Pepper Characteristics...

Why do cucumber ovaries turn yellow and dry

To get a rich harvest, the gardener has to perform a number of specific actions: sowing seeds, watering, fertilizing, etc. the further result depends on them. It is possible that in the process of plant growth, problematic situations may arise, and then the gardener begins to ask...

Characteristics of the cucumber variety Friends-buddies

Recently, bunch cucumbers have been popular among breeders. They are characterized by bouquet-setting of ovaries and high productivity. The Friends-Friends cucumber variety deserves special attention. Characteristics of the cucumber variety Friends-friends Description of the variety According to the description, variety...

Description of Timo's potatoes

Timo potatoes are a Finnish hybrid with good taste. Within 55 days from the moment of planting, the tubers become fit for human consumption. The high-yielding variety is widespread among farmers in the post-Soviet space. Description of Timo potatoes Characteristics...

Cucumber anthracnose treatment

Growing cucumbers is a laborious process. It is important to follow the care and prevent the occurrence of diseases. Cucumber anthracnose is a dangerous disease that can not only reduce yields, but also completely destroy the bush. Treatment of cucumber anthracnose Disease characteristics Anthracnose...

Description of tomato Orange Miracle

Tomatoes are a type of vegetable that is found in all garden plots. Every farmer or ordinary person tries to plant this species for his own use or for sale. In the modern world, there are not only varieties that are characterized by red fruits. Often...

Rules for sowing tomatoes with seeds in open ground

Sowing tomatoes with seeds in open ground is a backup option for plant cultivation, since it is not always possible to grow seedlings. Rules for planting tomatoes with seeds in open ground The method includes almost all the same processes. The difference is that the seeds are sown immediately...

Processing yellowing garlic

Sometimes the leaves of the garlic begin to turn yellow. Let's consider the reasons for the appearance of such a problem and how the yellowing garlic is processed correctly. Processing of yellowing garlic Causes of yellowing of garlic If the stalks of garlic do not develop properly and begin to turn yellow, it is necessary to understand...